
18.10.24.UTNEWS.Who introduced Mid Day Meals Scheme?MDMS.Ans.Babasaheb.

*DR.AMBEDKAR     AND     MID- DAY    MEAL    SCHEME    (  M.D.M.S.  )* $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ The  *Mid-Day Meal Scheme  (  M.D.M.S.  )* provides free meals to the  Students of Primary School  . The aim is to enhance  the  attendance of Students in the School  . This Scheme  also reduces  *Classroom  Hunger* and improve the overall  *Health and Nutrition*  of the Students  .  The  *Govt  Of France*  first  time  in the  world  , introduced this  Scheme on *11th  October  1868* in  their  country  . They started   feeding the  children of School  at the  expenses of the France  Govt  .  The Scheme  was praised by the  many  countries of the world  . Later  on the British Govt also decided to do something for the  education  of  the children in India  . Then  on *29th March 1919*  a separate  department was  formed  by the British Govt,for the  welfare of the  Children in India   and  specifically  for the welfare  of the Children  belonging   to  the  Dalit  Communities  . It w

17.10.24.Untouchables News.....अछूत समाचार.தீண்ட தகாதவர் செய்திகள்.by Team சிவாஜி. शिवाजी .Shivaji

🧁🔆🔆🌹🔆🔆🧁 Buddha Dhamma Academy..asi.. ••••••••••••••••••••••••• ```✨🪂To make use of situations in a positive way is to experience constant progress.``` *_🧁Expression:🧁_*   ```🌹Each and every situation comes with a hidden blessing – a hidden opportunity. It of course brings challenges, challenges that could bring out the best potential from within. But the one who is caught up with only weaknesses never gets a chance to use these challenging situations as opportunities. On the other hand, the one who uses his potential is able to be from his weaknesses also.``` *_🔆Experience:🔆_*   ```🌹When I am able to use all situations as opportunities to recognise and use my inner potential, I am able to be free from the influence of my weaknesses. This freedom gives me the ability to enjoy this moment without filling the mind with unnecessary doubts and questions. It gives the ability to bring about progress in my life, whatever the circumstance may be.``` Buddha