05.07.2024.UT NEWS.Untouchables News.Chennai.26.

Adv.Sri.K.Armstrong,is a true follower of Dr Ambedkar and a strong Buddhist, who constructed a Budda vihar in Perambur with his own money..This was not liked by Caste Hindus.

He has attended our Canara Bank SC.ST welfare association circle conferences,Dr Ambedkar birthday functions in circle office many times.more than 11 times and federation meetings 8 times.

He never says no for our invitations.

He has broomed more than 1500 advocates in Chennai City alone apart from other districts and told them that they have to be the fence for our community..

He will be the first person to reach the spot if any any atrocity happens in any parts of Tamil Nadu.

He has recommended for many students for Educational loans to various Banks.

He will be always simple like our Bro.Poovai Moorthiyaar and will take food with any one in any hotel.Along with him I had my lunch,dinner for more than 50 times.

Because of him many SC.ST employees joined in the social movement.

He is not a fierceful speaker but an intelligent speaker and will convert any one to follow Dr Ambedkar.

Our great Salute to our Bro.K.Armstrong.

ஆம்ஸ்ட்ராங்கை கொலை செய்த ஆற்காடு சுரேஷ் கும்பல்? பகீர் தகவல்
சென்னை பெரம்பூரில் பகுஜன் சமாஜ்வாதி தேசிய கட்சியின் மாநிலத் தலைவரும் வழக்கறிஞருமான ஆம்ஸ்ட்ராங் வெட்டி படுகொலை செய்யப்பட்டது தமிழ்நாடு முழுதும் அதிர்வலைகளை ஏற்படுத்தியுள்ளது.

பகுஜன் சமாஜ் கட்சியின் மாநிலத் தலைவராக இருக்கும் வழக்கறிஞர் ஆம்ஸ்ட்ராங் தலித் சமுதாயத்தின் பல்வேறு பிரச்சினைகளுக்காக போராடி வந்தவர். அந்த சமுதாயத்துக்காக போராட நிறைய வழக்கறிஞர்கள் வரவேண்டும் என்று தொடர்ந்து பலரை வழக்கறிஞர்களாக ஆக்கியவர்.

பரபரப்பான நபராகவே அறியப்பட்ட ஆம்ஸ்ட்ராங் கின் மரணமும் பெரும் பரபரப்பான சம்பவமாகவே நடந்திருக்கிறது.

இன்று (ஜூலை 5) மாலை 7 மணியளவில் சென்னை பெரம்பூர் சடையப்பன் தெருவிலுள்ள தனது வீட்டருகே நின்று கொண்டிருந்தார் ஆம்ஸ்ட்ராங். அப்போது அந்த வழியே இருசக்கர வாகனங்களில் வந்த ஆறு பேர் கொண்ட மர்ம கும்பல் சுற்றி வளைத்து சரமாரியாக வெட்டியது.

உயிரைக் காப்பாற்றிக் கொள்ள தப்பித்து ஓடிய ஆம்ஸ்ட்ராங்கை விடாமல் வெட்டிச் சிதைத்துவிட்டு தப்பிச் சென்றது அந்த கும்பல்.

உயிருக்கு போராடிய ஆம்ஸ்ட்ராங் அவசர அவசரமாக சென்னை க்ரீம்ஸ் சாலையில் உள்ள அப்பல்லோ மருத்துவமனையில் சேர்க்கப்பட்டார். ஆனால் கடுமையான வெட்டுக் காயங்கள் அதிகமாக இருந்ததால்... பலனின்றி உயிரிழந்தார் ஆம்ஸ்ட்ராங். சிகிச்சை

கள்ளக்குறிச்சி கள்ளச்சாராய சம்பவங்கள் சட்டம் ஒழுங்குக்கு சவால் விடும் வகையில் அமைந்த நிலையில், அந்த விவகாரம் ஓயும் முன்னே சென்னையில் அரசியல் கட்சியின் மாநிலத் தலைவர் தெருவிலேயே வைத்து வெட்டிக் கொல்லப்பட்டிருப்பது பெரும் அதிர்வுகளை ஏற்படுத்தியுள்ளது. தலித் கட்சியின் மாநிலத் தலைவர் என்பது கூடுதல் விவாதத்தைக் கிளப்பியுள்ளது.
அப்பல்லோ மருத்துவமனையில் ஆம்ஸ்ட்ராங் உயிரிழந்த நிலையில் உடனடியாக அவரது உடலை போஸ்ட் மார்ட்டத்துக்காக சென்னை ராஜீவ் காந்தி மருத்துவமனைக்கு எடுத்துச் சென்றனர் போலீஸார். ராஜீவ் காந்தி மருத்துவமனை வாசல் முழுதும் போலீஸார் குவிக்கப்பட்டனர். அதேபோல பெரம்பூர், செம்பியம் உள்ளிட்ட வடசென்னை பகுதிகளிலும் போலீசார் குவிக்கப்பட்டிருக்கிறார்கள்.

ஐ.ஜி. அஸ்ரா கர்க் தலைமையில் தனிப்படை போலீஸார் அமைக்கப்பட்டு சம்பவ இடத்தின் சிசிடிவி ஃபுட்டேஜுகள் சேகரிக்கப்பட்டிருக்கிறது. ஆம்ஸ்ட்ராங் மீது ஏற்கனவே வழக்குகள் நிலுவையில் உள்ள நிலையில், அவருக்கு இருந்த முன் விரோதம் பற்றியும் விசாரணை வேகமெடுத்திருக்கிறது.

இந்த நிலையில் ஆம்ஸ்ட்ராங்கை கொலை செய்தது யார் என போலீஸ் வட்டாரங்களில் விசாரித்தோம்.
ஆம்ஸ்ட்ராங்குக்கு முன் விரோதங்கள் தொடர்ந்து இருந்தாலும் லேட்டஸ்டாக அவர் மீது கோபத்தில் இருந்தது யார் என்ற கோணத்தில் விசாரித்தது போலீஸ்.

அப்போதுதான் ஒரு விஷயம் தெரியவந்திருக்கிறது. வேலூர் மாவட்டம் ஆற்காடு அருகே உள்ள புண்ணை கிராமத்தை சேர்ந்தவர் ரவுடி சுரேஷ். இவர் மீது 30க்கும் மேற்பட்ட வழக்குகள் உள்ளன. காஞ்சி சங்கரராமன், ரவுடி ராதாகிருஷ்ணன், சின்னா மற்றும் வழக்கறிஞர் பகத்சிங் கொலை என கொலை வழக்குகளும், மேலும் வழிப்பறி வழக்குகளும் இவர் மீது உள்ளன. 8 முறை குண்டர் சட்டத்திலும் கைது செய்யப்பட்டார்.

தமிழகத்தை தாண்டி ஆந்திராவிலும் இவர் மீது வழக்குகள் உள்ளன. இந்நிலையில் கடந்த 2023 ஆகஸ்ட் 18ஆம் தேதி ஒரு வழக்கு தொடர்பாக ஆற்காடு சுரேஷ், தனது வழக்கறிஞருடன் எழும்பூர் நீதிமன்றத்தில் ஆஜராகிவிட்டு புளியந்தோப்பு மாதவன் உட்பட சில நண்பர்களுடன் மெரினாவை அடுத்த கடற்கரைக்குச் சென்றார். பட்டினப்பாக்கம் பட்டினப்பாக்கத்தில் மணல்பரப்பில் அமர்ந்து மாதவனுடன் மது அருந்தி கொண்டிருந்தார்.

அப்போது காரில் வந்த மர்ம கும்பல் ஒன்று ஆற்காடு சுரேஷையும், மாதவனையும் வெட்டிவிட்டு தப்பிச் சென்றது. இந்த சம்பவத்தில் படுகாயமடைந்த ஆற்காடு சுரேஷ் ராயப்பேட்டை அரசு மருத்துவமனையில் அனுமதிக்கப்பட்ட நிலையில் சிகிச்சை பலனின்றி உயிரிழந்தார். படுகாயமடைந்த மாதவன் சிகிச்சை பெற்று உயிர் தப்பினார்.

ஆற்காடு சுரேஷ் கொலை வழக்கில் அதிமுக பிரமுகர் ஜோகன் கென்னடி உட்பட 11 பேர் கைது செய்யப்பட்டனர்.

இந்தக் கொலைச் சம்பவத்தின் முக்கிய சாட்சியாக இருந்த மாதவனையும் அந்த கும்பல், ஆற்காடு சுரேஷை கொலை செய்த 5 மாதங்களில் அதாவது கடந்த ஜனவரி மாதம் கொலை செய்தது.

*ஆற்காடு சுரேஷ் கொலை பின்னணியில் ஆருத்ரா கோல்டு நிறுவன மோசடி விவகாரம் இருப்பது விசாரணையில் தெரியவந்தது. ஆற்காடு சுரேஷ் அந்நிறுவனத்துக்கு ஆதரவாக செயல்பட்டிருக்கிறார்*.

*ஆனால், ஆருத்ரா கோல்டு பண மோசடியில் பாதிக்கப்பட்ட சிலருக்கு, தற்போது கொலை செய்யப்பட்ட ஆம்ஸ்ட்ராங் பணத்தை மீட்டுக் கொடுத்திருக்கிறார்*.
அந்த சமயத்தில் தான் பட்டினப்பாக்கத்தில் வைத்து ஆற்காடு சுரேஷ் செய்யப்பட்டார். கொலை

இந்த நிலையில் ஆற்காடு சுரேஷ் கொல்லப்பட்டதன் பின்னால் ஆம்ஸ்ட்ராங் மீது சந்தேகப்பட்டு சுரேஷ் தரப்பினர் கடும் கோபம் கொண்டனர். ஆற்காடு சுரேஷின் தம்பி மற்றும் அவரது ஆதரவாளர்கள் ஆம்ஸ்ட்ராங்கை தொடர்ந்து கண்காணித்தும் வந்துள்ளனர்.

இந்நிலையில் தான் இன்று மாலை இருள் சூழ்ந்த நிலையில் பெரம்பூரில் ஆம்ஸ்ட்ராங் வீட்டருகே வைத்து கொல்லப்பட்டிருக்கிறார். பட்டினப்பாக்கம் கொலைக்கு பழி தீர்க்கத்தான் பெரம்பூரில் வைத்து ஆம்ஸ்ட்ராங் கொலை செய்யப்பட்டாரா என்ற கோணத்தில் தீவிரப்படுத்தப்பட்டுள்ளது” விசாரணை அதிகாரிகள். விசாரணை என்கிறார்கள்.

Haryana: 30-Year-Old Access Route to Temple Blocked for Dalits!


Police Detain and Allegedly Assault Three Dalit Sisters for Protesting; Accusations of Erasing Incident Videos from Their Mobile Phones

Faridabad- In Haryana’s Faridabad, the 30-year-old access route to a temple from a Dalit neighborhood has been blocked. This route, which led to a temple on Mohna Road in the Ballabgarh area, was allegedly closed by certain individuals who also called the police.

Upon arrival, the station in-charge and the post in-charge reportedly assaulted a Dalit woman and her sisters, detaining them at the police station for four hours.

This sparked outrage among the Dalit community, leading to a protest outside the police station.

The incident occurred in Takia Wali Gali No. 8 on Mohna Road, Ballabgarh. Geeta and her sister Ganga Devi claimed that on June 21, the path to the Shiva temple in their alley, used for the past 30 years, was being blocked. When the sisters protested, the individuals responsible for closing the path called the police.

Subsequently, City Ballabgarh Station In-Charge Mahendra and Agrasen Post In-Charge Kapil arrived at the scene to inspect the situation.

Ganga and Geeta alleged that upon learning they were Dalits, In-Charge Mahendra questioned their need to visit the temple and used casteist slurs.

When Ganga and her sister protested against these remarks, the police officer called the Durga Shakti team, who forcibly removed them from their home, assaulted them, and took them to the police station. There, they were allegedly beaten and detained for four hours.

Ganga and Geeta further alleged that during the police action, Ganga’s two-and-a-half-year-old child fell and was injured. Geeta stated that their mobile phones, containing videos and evidence of the incident, were confiscated at the station, and all data was deleted before they were released four hours later.

The victims reported the incident to higher authorities and, after no action was taken, protested outside the police station.

Speaking with The Mooknayak, City Ballabgarh Station In-Charge Mahendra refuted the allegations, claiming, “The accusations made by the women are completely false. The committee members involved in the temple matter brought the women to the station with the help of Durga Shakti.”

Courtesy : The Mooknayak


Now SC-ST category people will develop, government has implemented this loan scheme, you can apply like this


Manish Puri/Bharatpur:- For the economic empowerment of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe category, now Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Rajasthan Dalit Adivasi Udyam Protsahan Yojana has been implemented by the state government to provide financial loans, grants and other facilities through financial institutions to the first generation entrepreneurs and eligible persons of the target category for setting up and expanding the enterprise.

Bharatpur District Industries Center General Manager Chandramohan Gupta told Local18 that the minimum age for applying for the scheme is 18 years and it is necessary to be a native of Rajasthan. There is a provision of loan of maximum 10 crore rupees for setting up a manufacturing enterprise, maximum 5 crore rupees for setting up an enterprise, Board Media maximum 1 crore rupees for business sector. In this, the minimum contribution of the applicant for the manufacturing service sector is 10 percent and for the trade sector it is 15 percent.

Subsidy will be available on this much interest

Under the scheme, the reimbursement of CGTMME guarantee fee operated by SIDBI is 25 percent of the project cost or Rs 25 lakh, whichever is less. There is a provision of margin money grant, 9 percent interest grant on loans up to Rs 25 lakh, 7 percent interest grant on loans from Rs 25 lakh to 5 crore and 6 percent interest grant on loans from Rs 5 crore to 10 crore. The maximum period of interest grant is 5 years.

This is how you can apply

Chandrmohan Gupta further told Local18 that for the wide publicity of the scheme, a special awareness camp will also be organized today in the Panchayat Samiti premises, Kaman, in which information about other schemes of the department will also be given. Offline applications are being made under the scheme, in which the applicant can submit the application under the scheme by visiting the camp with two passport size photos, Aadhar card, Janadhar card, PAN card, Domicile certificate, Caste certificate, Project report, BRN, SAN number, Educational mark sheet, Copy of bank passbook, Experience certificate etc. Also, you can contact the office for more information regarding the scheme.

New criminal laws will be used more against poor, Muslims, Adivasis and Dalits: Owaisi


HYDERABAD: AIMIM president Asaduddin Owaisi on Thursday alleged the three new criminal laws which came into force from July 1, will now be used more against the poor, weaker sections, Muslims, Adivasis and Dalits. Addressing a seminar here, Owaisi claimed the three new criminal laws-Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS), Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita (BNSS) and Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam (BSA), will reduce the rights of the common people and give sweeping powers to the police (to take action against anyone).

“These new (criminal) laws will now be used even more than before against the poor, weaker sections, Muslims, Adivasis and Dalits,” the Hyderabad MP claimed.

He said there was no mention (in the new laws) about the action to be taken against police if they commit any mistake.

“The new laws are more dangerous than the UAPA–Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act,” the AIMIM chief further said, adding one can imagine how these laws will be used.

Disabled Dalit man hacked to death in Mayiladuthurai


R Ranjith (30), an auto rickshaw driver and member of a dominant caste from Natarajapuram was arrested on Thursday in connection with the murder.

VCK cadre held a protest near Kittappa Market in Mayiladuthurai, demanding arrest of those responsible for the death of party functionary R Rajesh

MAYILADUTHURAI: A 26-year-old disabled Dalit man was allegedly hacked to death by an armed group near Pattavarthi in Mayiladuthurai district on Wednesday night. According to sources, R Rajesh from Natarajapuram in Pattavarthi was a VCK member and had an amputation in one of his legs after meeting with an accident a few years ago.

Around 10.30pm, while heading to Mayiladuthurai on his two-wheeler, a group stopped Rajesh and assaulted him with weapons. Suffering grievous injuries, Rajesh died on the spot.

Upon information, Manalmedu police arrived and retrieved the body. An autopsy was conducted at Mayiladuthurai General Hospital and a case was registered under Section 302 (murder) of the IPC.

R Ranjith (30), an auto rickshaw driver and member of a dominant caste from Natarajapuram was arrested on Thursday in connection with the murder. According to sources, Ranjith had a dispute with Rajesh after an accident in the past.

Meanwhile, Rajesh’s relatives protested near the hospital, demanding the arrest of perpetrators. VCK cadre led by Mayiladuthurai district secretary S Mohan Kumar also held a protest near Kittappa Market.

Mohan Kumar said, “We demand the immediate arrest of everyone responsible for Rajesh’s murder. We urge the government to provide relief for his family and declare Pattavarthi prone to atrocities against SC/ST people.”

Courtesy : TNIE


Breaking News July 4: Team India’s Victory Parade In Mumbai; Hemant Soren-Led Govt’s Floor Test On July 8


Breaking News July 4, Highlights: Amid of a sea of fans at Mumbai’s Marine Drive, the Indian cricket team undertook a victory parade, to celebrate their victory at the T20 World Cup. In other news, the floor test of Jharkhand’s new government, led by CM Hemant Soren, will be held in the Legislative Assembly on July 8.

4 Jul 2024, 09:04:02 pm IST

Breaking News, June 4 Highlights: Top Headlines Of The Day

Here are the top headlines of June 4, Thursday:

Hathras Stampede: 6 ‘Sevadars’ Of ‘Bhole Baba’ Arrested, Inquiry On Over Preacher’s Criminal History

Hemant Soren Returns As Jharkhand Chief Minister, Takes Oath

Senior UP Cop Answers Why Bhole Baba Not Named In Hathras Stampede Case FIR | Here’s What He Said

‘Exercise Caution’: CJI Chandrachud’s Message To SEBI Amid Record Stock Market Jump

Massive Fires Across North Israel After Hezbollah Fires 200 Rockets To Avenge Commander’s Killing

Where Is Emmanuel Macron? Days Before Key Election Result, French President Goes MIA

Team India Victory Parade: Water Cannon Salute For Rohit And Co’s Plane In Mumbai – Watch

 4 Jul 2024, 06:46:15 am IST

Breaking News July 4 LIVE: Key Topics On Focus

Welcome to Outlook India’s Breaking News Live Blog, through which we bring you real-time updates on major events and developments across the globe. Here’s a look at top events and developments in focus today:

UK Elections

Hathras stampede updates


Hurricame Beryl

Return of the Indian Cricket Team

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 4 Jul 2024, 07:02:29 am IST

Breaking News Today LIVE: Team India Arrives In Delhi Airport After WC Win

Coach Rahul Dravid and the Rohit Sharma-led Indian Cricket Team arrived at Delhi airport with the T20 WorldCup 2024 trophy. Since last few day, they team remained stranded in Barbados owing to the adverse weather conditions caused by Hurricane Beryl.

4 Jul 2024, 07:07:25 am IST

UK Elections Today LIVE: Stop Labour’s ‘Supermajority’, Says PM Rishi Sunak In Final Message

Stop Labour Party’s “supermajority” is the final message British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is trying to drive home on Wednesday, the last day of campaigning ahead of polling day on Thursday, as most of the incumbent Conservatives seem to have all but conceded defeat in the landmark general election.

“This is what unites us. We need to stop the Labour supermajority that will put up your taxes. The only way to do that is to vote Conservative tomorrow,” said the 44-year-old British Indian Conservative Party leader on social media, as he focused on drumming up support in the last few hours of the campaign trail.

 4 Jul 2024, 07:13:16 am IST

Hathras Stampede LIVE Updates: Chest Injuries, Asphyxia Prime Causes Of Death, Say Autopsies

Blood accumulation in the thoracic cavity due to chest injuries, asphyxia and rib injuries were the causes of death of the Hathras stampede victims whose bodies were brought to a hospital in Agra for post-mortem, a senior official said on Wednesday.

 4 Jul 2024, 07:24:45 am IST

Breaking News LIVE Today: Thousands Evacuated As Northern California Wildfire Spreads

Firefighters lined roads to keep flames from reaching homes as helicopters dropped water on a growing wildfire Wednesday in Northern California that has forced at least 26,000 people to evacuate, as the state sweltered under extreme heat.

The Thompson fire broke out before noon Tuesday about 70 miles (110 kilometres) north of Sacramento, near the city of Oroville in Butte County. It sent up a huge plume of smoke that could be seen from space as it grew to more than 5.5 square miles (14 square kilometres). There was no containment.

 4 Jul 2024, 07:48:03 am IST

Latest News Today LIVE: CB Nabs Co-Conspirator From Dhanbad In NEET-UG Row

The CBI arrested an alleged co-conspirator in the NEET-UG paper leak case, Aman Singh, from Dhanbad in Jharkhand, officials said on Wednesday.

Earlier, the central probe agency arrested the principal and vice principal of Hazaribagh-based Oasis school in the case and two persons who allegedly provided safe premises to NEET candidates where burnt question papers were recovered by Bihar Police, the officials said.

4 Jul 2024, 08:01:37 am IST

Breaking News Today LIVE: Man Dies In Fight Over Splashing Rain Water In Delhi

A man died while another was injured after a fight broke out over splashing roadside logged rain water on a few men in south Delhi’s Sangam Vihar on Wednesday evening, police said. According to PTI, the incident took place when an auto-rickshaw got out of order and the occupants of the vehicle were busy in rectifying it.

Meanwhile, a water tanker passed through the road, causing the logged rainwater to splash on the occupants of auto-rickshaw – Arif Khan alias Vishu (18), Shakeel (18), Durga (24) and others.

 4 Jul 2024, 08:17:52 am IST

Breaking News Today LIVE: Team India To Meet PM Modi At 9 AM

ICC T20 World Cup winning Team India has headed to ITC Maurya Hotel in Delhi. The team is scheduled to meet PM Modi at his residence later today.

 4 Jul 2024, 08:56:40 am IST

Breaking News Today LIVE: Security Beefed Up In Mumbai Ahead Of Victory Parade

Mumbai Police have tightened security arrangements right ahead of the road show of the T20 World Cup-winning Indian cricket team scheduled this evening in Mumbai.

A large number of fans are expected to gather to watch the procession, an official said.The victory procession will be held between 5 and 7 pm from Nariman Point to the Wankhede Stadium, the official said on Wednesday.

 4 Jul 2024, 09:16:07 am IST

Latest News Today LIVE: LLB-End Terms Exam Postponed In DU

Delhi University Faculty of Law postpones LLB end-term exams that were scheduled to begin today. The announcement has been made by DU Vice Chancellor Yogesh Singh.

 4 Jul 2024, 09:29:11 am IST

Breaking News LIVE Today: 8 Dead, Over 16 Lakh Hit In Assam Flood

The flood situation in Assam continued to deteriorate with eight more people losing their lives and more than 16.25 lakh people reeling under the deluge across 27 districts on Wednesday, an official bulletin said.

4 Jul 2024, 09:37:51 am IST

Breaking News LIVE Today: Sensex, Nifty At All-Time High

Sensex, Nifty hit fresh lifetime high levels in early trade on Thursday.

 4 Jul 2024, 09:59:16 am IST

Breaking News LIVE Today: Flood Situation Worsens In Meghalaya

Incessant rains over the past week in most parts of the Northeastern region have left the plain belt of Garo Hills under the threat of floods as water level continues to rise in all the major rivers of the region. Visuals from Tura, Meghalaya.

 4 Jul 2024, 10:09:40 am IST

Breaking News LIVE Today: 4-Year-Old Girl Shot Dead In Patna, Says Report

In a tragic incident on Tuesday night, a four-year-old girl was shot and killed by unknown assailants outside her home in Rupaspur area of Patna.

According to the girl’s father, he went inside to park his motorcycle while his wife kept groceries. Hearing the sound of a gunshot, they rushed outside and found the child lying in a pool of blood.

 4 Jul 2024, 10:53:31 am IST

India News LIVE: PM Modi Pays Tribute To Swami Vivekananda On His Death Anniversary

Prime Minister Narendra Modi paid homage to Swami Vivekananda on his death anniversary on Thursday and said that “we reiterate our commitment to fulfill his dream of a prosperous and progressive society”.

In a post on X, Modi said, “I pay homage to Swami Vivekananda on his Punya Tithi. His teachings give strength to millions. His profound wisdom and relentless pursuit of knowledge are also very motivating.”

“We reiterate our commitment to fulfill his dream of a prosperous and progressive society,” he said.

Swami Vivekanand died on July 4, 1902.

 4 Jul 2024, 11:05:34 am IST

Breaking News LIVE Today: Team India Reaches PM Modi’s Residenc

Team India arrives at 7 Lok Kalyan Marg, Delhi, the residence of PM Modi. The T20 World Cup winning team is expected to have breakfast with the prime minister. Lateer today, a grand victory parade is scheduled to take place in Mumbai to celebrate India’s victory.

Follow updates here

 4 Jul 2024, 11:09:03 am IST

Breaking News LIVE Updates: Rajasthan Cabinet minister Kirodi Lal Meena Resigns

Rajasthan Cabinet minister Kirodi Lal Meena has resigned, says his aide.

 4 Jul 2024, 11:58:20 am IST

Bihar Bridge Collapse Breaking LIVE: 10th Incident In 15 Days

Another instance of bridge collapse came to the fore in Bihar on Thursday, making it the 10th such incident to have been reported from the state in just over a fortnight, an official said.

The latest incident was reported from Saran which witnessed two more bridge collapses in the last 24 hours, District Magistrate Aman Samir said.

No casualty was reported after the structure, built 15 years ago by local authorities, collapsed this morning, he said.

4 Jul 2024, 12:48:55 pm IST

Breaking News LIVE Today: Rahul Gandhi To Visit Hathras, Says Congress

Commening on the Hathras Stampede Accident, Congress General Secretary KC Venugopal said, “It was an unfortunate incident. The leader of the opposition in Lok Sabha (Rahul Gandhi) is planning to visit Hathras. He will go there and interact with the people who are affected.”

 4 Jul 2024, 01:29:15 pm IST

Breaking News LIVE Today: Team India Reaches Delhi Airport To Leave For Mumbai 

Team India reached Delhi airport to leave for Mumbai. The victorious team, which returned to the country on Thursday morning, will take part in an open bus road show followed by a felicitation ceremony at the Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai.

 4 Jul 2024, 01:52:37 pm IST

Latest News LIVE Today: Traffic Disruption In Delhi Due To Rain

Rain in the national capital, first a spell in the morning and another around midday, led to significant traffic disruptions in several areas.

The weather department, in their 12 pm notification, said light intensity rain and drizzle will occur at a few places in South Delhi and South-East Delhi (Akshardham, Lodi Road, Nehru Stadium, Defence Colony, Lajpat Nagar, Malviya Nagar, Kalkaji, Tughlakabad, East of Kailash, Chhattarpur, IGNOU, Ayanagar, and Deramandi) inthe next two hours.

According to India Meteorological Department (IMD), 9.2 mm of rainfall was recorded at Safdarjung, the city’s primary weather station, 7.4 mm at Lodhi Road, 5.6 mm at Ridge, 17.4 mm at Palam, and 40.8 mm at Ayanagar in the last 24 hours at 8.30 am on July 4.

4 Jul 2024, 02:26:09 pm IST

India News LIVE: Jaishankar Addresses SCO Summit In Kazakhstan

Shanghai Cooperation Organisation occupies prominent place in India’s foreign policy, says EAM S Jaishankar at SCO summit in Kazakhstan.

 4 Jul 2024, 02:29:14 pm IST

Breaking News LIVE: No Scope Of Alliance With AAP, Says Congress On Delhi, Haryana Assembly Polls

There is no scope for an alliance between the Congress and the AAP for assembly polls in Haryana and Delhi but the INDIA bloc will fight elections together in Maharashtra and Jharkhand, Congress general secretary Jairam Ramesh said on Thursday.

In an interview with news agency PTI, Jairam Ramesh said there is no one formula the INDIA bloc will follow for state elections. The grouping will fight together in states where Congress leaders and other alliance partners agree to such an understanding, he said.

Asked whether the Indian National Developmental Inclusive Alliance (INDIA) will fight the assembly polls together going forward, Ramesh said the alliance will do so in Jharkhand and Maharashtra.

 4 Jul 2024, 02:30:51 pm IST

SCO Summit News LIVE: Jaishankar Says Terrorism In Any Form Cannot Be Justified

Terrorism, if left unchecked, can become a major threat to regional and global peace, EAM Jaishankar said at SCO meet in Kazakhstan’s Astana.

Jaishankar said terrorism in any form or manifestation cannot be justified or condoned.

 4 Jul 2024, 02:39:31 pm IST

Jharkhand News LIVE: Oath-Taking Ceremony On July 7

Supriyo Bhattacharya, General Secretary, Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (JMM) said on Thursday that the Governor has invited them to form the government. The swearing-in ceremony will be held on July 7. JMM supremo Hemant Soren, recently released from jail on bail, will take oath as the chief minister.

 4 Jul 2024, 03:03:28 pm IST

World News LIVE: Hezbollah Fires 200 Rockets Into Israel In One Of Its Biggest Salvo Ever

Lebanese militant group Hezbollah said it has fired 200 rockets into Israel in one of its largest barrages yet, after killing of commander, reported Associated Press (AP).

An Israeli strike in southern Lebanon on Wednesday killed a senior Hezbollah commander as tensions between the two sides continue to boil, a Hezbollah official said. READ FULL STORY

 4 Jul 2024, 03:03:28 pm IST

Jharkhand News LIVE: Hemant Soren To Take Oath As CM At 5 PM

JMM leader Hemant Soren to take oath as Jharkhand CM today at 5 pm, Ally Congress state president Rajesh Thakur said.

 4 Jul 2024, 03:26:58 pm IST

World News LIVE: France Govt Spokesperson Attacked

France’s government spokesperson is attacked on the campaign trail, days before decisive election, reports AP.

 4 Jul 2024, 03:27:32 pm IST

Hathras Stampede: 6 Arrested

On Hathras stampede incident, Aligarh IG Shalabh Mathur said, “…Six people including four men and two women have been arrested in the incident. They all are members of the organising committee and worked as ‘Sevadars’.”

 4 Jul 2024, 03:57:24 pm IST

Amarnath Yatra News LIVE: Another Batch Of 5,600 Pilgrims Begins Journey

Amid heavy rains, a batch of over 5,600 pilgrims set off from Jammu towards the twin basecamps, Baltal and Palagam, of the Amarnath cave shrine on Thursday, officials said.

More than 30,000 devotees offered prayers to the naturally formed ice lingam on Wednesday alone, bringing the total number of pilgrims to over one lakh, they said.

The seventh batch of pilgrims included 4,487 men, 1,011 women, 10 children and 188 ‘sadhus’ and ‘sadhvis’ who departed at 3.13 am in 219 vehicles, under the escort of Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), from the Bhagwati Nagar base camp, the officials said.

 4 Jul 2024, 04:08:42 pm IST

India News LIVE: Be Cautious, CJI Tells SEBI Amid Market Jumps

Chief Justice of India D Y Chandrachud on Thursday advised market regulator SEBI and the Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT) to exercise caution amid a significant surge in equity markets and pitched for more tribunal benches to ensure that the “backbone is stable”.

Referring to newspaper articles calling the crossing of the 80,000 points milestone by the BSE as an ecstatic moment, where India is entering a “stratospheric domain”, the CJI pointed out that such events emphasize the need for regulatory authorities to ensure that everyone holds their “balance and nerves” amid the wins.

 4 Jul 2024, 04:28:19 pm IST

World News LIVE: Palestinian Death Toll In Israel-Hamas War Surges Past 38,000

The Health Ministry in Hamas-run Gaza said Thursday that the Palestinian death toll from nearly nine months of war has surged past 38,000. The ministry said that in the last 24 hours, the bodies of 58 people had been brought to hospitals, bringing the overall death toll to 38,011.

It said more than 87,000 people have been wounded in the fighting.

The ministry does not distinguish between fighters and noncombatants in its count, but many of the dead are said to be women and children.

4 Jul 2024, 04:40:09 pm IST

Jharkhand News LIVE: Hemant Soren’s Swearing-In Ceremony Shortly

Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (JMM) executive president Hemant Soren will take oath as Jharkhand chief minister at Raj Bhavan at 5 pm today, an official said. Congress state unit president Rajesh Thakur told PTI that the decision was taken in a meeting of coalition partners at Soren’s residence here.

“Governor CP Radhakrishnan will administer the oath and office of secrecy to Hemant Soren at 5 pm at Raj Bhavan,” the official said.

The JMM, earlier in the day, said Soren would take oath as the chief minister on July 7 after Governor CP Radhakrishnan invited him to form government in the state.

 4 Jul 2024, 04:53:17 pm IST

Latest News LIVE: PM Modi To Visit Russia, Austria From July 8 To July 10

PM Modi to visit Russia, Austria from July 8 to 10

New Delhi, Jul 4 (PTI) Prime Minister Narendra Modi will pay a two-day visit to Russia from July 8 to 9 to hold the 22nd India-Russia annual summit that will review the entire range of multifaceted ties between the two countries.

After concluding his trip to Russia, Modi will travel to Austria, which will be the first visit by an Indian prime minister to that country in 41 years, the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) said.

It will be Modi’s first trip to Russia in nearly five years. His last visit to Russia was in 2019 when he attended an economic conclave in the Far East city of Vladivostok.

 4 Jul 2024, 04:53:17 pm IST

JUST IN| Hemant Soren Sworn In As Jharkhand CM

JMM executive president Hemant Soren on Thursday took oath as the 13th chief minister of Jharkhand.

He was administered the oath of office and secrecy by Governor C P Radhakrishnan at the Raj Bhavan here, an official said.

 4 Jul 2024, 05:10:58 pm IST

Mumbai News LIVE: Flyover Slab Falls On Car Bonnet; None Injured

The slab of a flyover in Andheri in western Mumbai fell on a moving car on Thursday afternoon, though no one was injured, a civic official said. The incident happened near Gundavali metro rail station on Western Express Highway at 3:20 pm, he said.

“The slab fell on the bonnet of the car, damaging its front part. Fire brigade, police and personnel from the local ward office were deployed for relief work post the incident,” news agency PTI quoted him as saying.

 4 Jul 2024, 05:12:53 pm IST

https://x.com/ANI/status/1808830603682591148Breaking News LIVE: LK Advani Leaves From Hospital

BJP veteran and former deputy prime minister Lal Krishna Advani left from Apollo Hospital in Delhi. The 96-year-old was admitted to the Apollo Hospital this Wednesday, days after being discharged from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) following a night-long stay there.

 4 Jul 2024, 05:24:27 pm IST

Mumbai News: Victory Parade Of Indian Cricket Team Shortly

The victory parade of the Indian cricket team, which landed in India from Barbados on Thursday days after winning the T20 World Cup, will begin shortly. The victory parade will take place from Marine Drive to Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai in an open bus.

Police have made elaborate security arrangements for the road show of the T20 World Cup-winning Indian cricket team.

Visuals showed a sea of fans gathered at Marine Drive in Mumbai to get a glimpse of the Indian cricket team.

 4 Jul 2024, 05:40:35 pm IST

Stock Market Closing: Sensex, Nifty Close At Fresh Lifetime High

Equity benchmark indices Sensex and Nifty ticked higher to close at fresh all-time high levels on Thursday, following buying in market heavyweights ICICI Bank, Infosys and TCS amid a largely positive trend in global equities.

The 30-share BSE Sensex scaled an intraday record high of 80,392.64 in early trade. The index pared most of the gains later due to volatility and profit-taking by investors at record levels. Sensex closed 62.87 points or 0.08 per cent higher at 80,049.67, its all-time closing high.

 4 Jul 2024, 06:11:39 pm IST

Imphal News LIVE: Villagers Rebuild River Bank Which Broke Due To Overflowing Water

Locals and volunteers in Imphal’s Kshetrigao Awang village re-build the river bank after it broke due to overflowing water. More than 300 houses were damaged in the area.

“The water needs to be stopped else it will affect even more people. A proper survey and timely work should be done by govt that this doesn’t happen again,” said Sheikh Noorul Hassan, MLA Kshetrigao.

 4 Jul 2024, 06:38:26 pm IST

Mumbai News: Team India In City Ahead Of Victory Parade

The Indian Cricket Team has arrived in Mumbai ahead of its victory parade at Marine Drive. An unprecedented gathering is waiting for the team at the parade point.

4 Jul 2024, 06:51:10 pm IST

Mumbai News: Team India’s ‘Vijay Rath’ Bus Gets Stuck In Crowd, Cops Disperse Crowd To Make Way

The ‘Vijay Rath’ open-bus for the Indian Cricket Team, meant to carry the team members during the victory parade, got stuck in the crowd. Police personnel swung into action, dispersing the crowd and trying to make way for the bus to reach Marine Drive.

 4 Jul 2024, 07:03:09 pm IST

Mumbai News: CM Eknath Shinde Gives Directions Over Traffic Management

Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde has given directions to the Mumbai Police Commissioner to ensure that there is no mismanagement of traffic or any inconvenience to the Indian Cricket Fans who have gathered at Marine Drive and Wankhede Stadium.

 4 Jul 2024, 07:14:35 pm IST

Mumbai News LIVE: Crowd Continues To Increase At Marine Drive

Awaiting the arrival of the Indian Cricket Team for the victory parade, the crowd continues to swell at Marine Drive. | VISUALS:

 4 Jul 2024, 07:34:13 pm IST

India News LIVE: NIA Files 1st Supplementary Chargsheet In 2022 Bhupatinagar Blast Case

The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Thursday filed the first supplementary chargesheet against three accused in the 2022 Bhupatinagar (West Bengal) blast case, which left three persons dead.

 4 Jul 2024, 07:36:46 pm IST

Mumbai News LIVE: Team India Reaches Nariman Point

The Indian Cricket Team has arrived at Marine Drive’s Nariman Point for the Victory Parade to celebrate its T20 World Cup win

 4 Jul 2024, 08:05:36 pm IST

Jharkhand News: Hemant Soren-led Govt’s Floor Test On July 8

The floor test of the new Jharkhand government led by CM Hemant Soren will be held on July 8 during a special session of the Jharkhand Legislative Assembly.

 4 Jul 2024, 08:32:07 pm IST

Mumbai News: Team India Waves To Sea Of Fans During Victory Parade

The Indian Cricket Team waved to the sea of fans, cheering at them, during the victory parade in Mumbai.

 4 Jul 2024, 08:33:34 pm IST

Mumbai News: Virat-Rohit Lift The World Cup Trophy To Show To Fans

In a special moment during the victory parade, Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma lifted the T20 World Cup trophy to show it to the fans. | WATCH

Courtesy : Outlook India

24 students from Telangana SC Study Circle qualify for Civil Services Mains exam

Published - July 04, 2024 11:14 am IST - HYDERABAD

As many as 24 students qualified for Civil Services Mains, four of which are for Indian Forest Services, from Telangana Scheduled Castes Study Circle, Hyderabad. Of these, 10 candidates were from the Scheduled Caste (SC) community, six from Scheduled Tribes (ST) and eight belonged to Backward Classes (BC), four of which are women candidates. 

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) New Delhi declared the Civil Services Preliminary-2024 results on July 1.  A total of 152 students were provided free coaching for both prelims and mains examination by The Telangana Scheduled Castels Study Circle, the Director A. Narasimha Reddy informed in a press release.  


Ram Vilas Paswan: Successful Leader in Dalit Empowerment

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Ram Vilas Paswan: Successful Leader  in Dalit Empowerment

The life of Shri Ram Vilas Paswan, an extinguished leader of Indian Dalit politics and former Union Food Supply Minister, who created miracles in Bihar politics, has been an inspiration for creating new standards in politics. He remained active in politics for more than five decades and played the responsibilities of MLA, MP and even Union Minister very well. Paswan is considered a leader who received love and support from people of every religion and community and he was known as a development man in the country. Paswan played an important role in implementing the recommendations of the Mandal Commission. During his tenure as Railway Minister, many projects were started in Bihar and in whichever ministry he was, the poor and marginalized people were always at the centre of his concerns.

The life of Ram Vilas Paswan is a living document of his commitment towards Dalit empowerment. His 78th birth anniversary is being celebrated at the national level on 5 July 2024. Ram Vilas Paswan founded the Lok Jan Shakti Party in the year 2000 and his political journey started with the United Socialist Party. He was the only political personality who got the opportunity to work with many Prime Ministers and he was also the leader of the House in the Lok Sabha twice. He created a unique history by winning the election from Hajipur with record votes in 1977. He always fought like a karmayogi for the Dalits and the proletariat class.

Ram Vilasji, who started his political journey from 1969, played an active role in the JP movement and emerged as a firebrand socialist. He was a public servant who gave voice to the deprived classes and constantly fought for the marginalized people. His life in politics was not only a great hero who promoted the Dalits and the deprived but also an inspiration of high character and moral values.

Paswanji was born in Shaharbanni village of Alauli block of Khagaria district of Bihar. He was born on July 5, 1946 in a Scheduled Caste family to father Jamunji Paswan and mother Siya Devi. He first married Rajkumari Devi in the 1960s, whom he divorced in 1981. He has two daughters Usha and Asha from his first wife Rajkumari. In 1983, he married Reena Sharma, an airhostess and Punjabi Hindu from Amritsar. He has a son and a daughter from her. His son Chirag Paswan is an actor turned politician, currently the national president of LJP and after winning the recently concluded Lok Sabha elections with a huge margin, he is the Union Minister of Food and Supplies, following in his father's footsteps. He is the confidante of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi as his 'Hanuman'.

The political life of Shri Ram Vilas Paswan has been a combination of many specialties and peculiarities. He contested elections 11 times and won nine of them. He once again became the Consumer Affairs Minister in the Modi government in the 17th Lok Sabha. Paswan, who could never become a major force in Bihar, kept himself a force in Delhi politics and remained a necessity for various Prime Ministers of the country for three decades. He also held important positions in the governments of Vishwanath Pratap Singh, HD Deve Gowda, Inder Kumar Gujral, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Manmohan Singh and Narendra Modi. This combative and resilient leader of Indian politics lived his life like a Karmayogi in politics. It is true that he was from Bihar, it is also true that he was from LJP, but the bigger truth is that he belonged to the nation, he was a national leader. He was a gem personality in the country's politics. There were many characteristics of the personality and work of this extraordinary politician who became the voice of the poor, the deprived and the Dalits; those noble values, such closeness to public life, such simplicity, such love for religion and culture and so much truth had made his personality very high. He continued to serve the country and the downtrodden till his last breath. His death was the end of a great leader with a nationalist mindset and a messiah of the proletariat.

 He was a symbol of a series of people who lived by principles and ideals. His life was unique and exemplary of purity in political life, values, culture, Dalit politics, and struggle for the proletariat, the inspiration of not bowing down or compromising by remaining firm on principles. He was always different from others, untainted in corrupt politics, Fearless in thoughts, Firm in the face of crumbling values and Dignified in the crowd that broke through the fence. The positive perception and realistic thinking associated with his life were such powerful weapons whose attack never went in vain. For Bihar, he was truly 'Ram', that is loved by everyone. As a young leader, he presented his independent political thinking and viewpoint by strongly and effectively opposing the atrocities and attack on democracy during the Emergency.

While helping the needy, creating new political faces, smiling and laughing, behaving affectionately with the younger ones and having a lot of fun and laughter with people of his age, the life of Shri Ram Vilas Paswan will be considered inspiring, unique and extraordinary in the sense that he touched all the concerns of life. When he was a politician, he raised his voice for the Dalits and the deprived, cared for the proletariat class, and fought for their rights. His outlook was broad and he was committed to the interests of the Dalits. He was also a Dalit agitator and the architect of political events. He was always seen connected with the concerns of revolutionaries and senior freedom fighters. Despite being a big and busy politician, his spontaneous participation in various religious and cultural activities were various aspects of his life. As much as he cared for the welfare of the Dalits, he was equally ready for the upliftment of the tribals. He got full support in the activities conducted under the leadership of Gani Rajendra Vijayji and Sukhi Parivar Foundation in the tribal areas of Baroda-Chhota Udaipur in Gujarat. He had a big plan for the welfare of Jain Tirthankaras in Bihar. He was counted among the strong leaders associated with the soil of Bihar and he had good relations with all the parties.

Ram Vilas Paswan ji was a very aggressive leader, his feelings towards everyone were always creative, and this always made him different from others. His attitude was always towards positive politics. His suggestions were so serious that they attracted everyone’s attention. He used to give suggestions to move one step ahead of politics in the direction of development. He was not only an ally of the NDA alliance, but was also the main architect of its success. He was an important character in alliance politics. He tried to ensure that the deprived section of the society gets justice and its rights are respected.

Ram Vilas Paswan gave a new direction to politics with his coordination policy, simplicity and straightforwardness. He was one of the distinguished leaders who gave life to the cultural heritage of Bihar and raised his voice for the Jain-Buddhist culture of Bihar and fought for its rights. He was a politician who ruled the hearts of the people, he could stay anywhere like an ordinary worker. Bihar and its people were always in his heart and mind. The politicians who are stuck in the arrogance of power, corruption and ego would take lessons from him. He defeated the darkness of despair, inaction, failure and indifference with his self-confidence and the hopeful lamps of life. His life’s endeavour was that people should not feel his presence; rather he worked in such a way that people remember him even when he is not among them. In this way, he gave a new dimension to his life and remained in the hearts of the people. His personality is such an ideal political personality that it can be called an inexhaustible source of development, culture, service and reformism of the proletariat class.

The End..


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