18.10.24.UTNEWS.Who introduced Mid Day Meals Scheme?MDMS.Ans.Babasaheb.

*DR.AMBEDKAR     AND     MID- DAY    MEAL    SCHEME    (  M.D.M.S.  )*
The  *Mid-Day Meal Scheme  (  M.D.M.S.  )* provides free meals to the  Students of Primary School  . The aim is to enhance  the  attendance of Students in the School  . This Scheme  also reduces  *Classroom  Hunger* and improve the overall  *Health and Nutrition*  of the Students  .  The  *Govt  Of France*  first  time  in the  world  , introduced this  Scheme on *11th  October  1868* in  their  country  . They started   feeding the  children of School  at the  expenses of the France  Govt  .  The Scheme  was praised by the  many  countries of the world  .

Later  on the British Govt also decided to do something for the  education  of  the children in India  . Then  on *29th March 1919*  a separate  department was  formed  by the British Govt,for the  welfare of the  Children in India   and  specifically  for the welfare  of the Children  belonging   to  the  Dalit  Communities  . It was known as *Labour Welfare  Department* . The British Govt  appointed  *George Paddison*   as the  Chairman  of the  L.W.Department    . Later on  George Paddison  appointed  *three  members* to run the L.W.Department  efficiently  . One member from the Britishers   , second member from the  Bamans and Upper Caste Communities  and  third member from the  Dalit Communities  .  Later  on George Paddison appointed  *Gilbert Chariyo* from  Britishers  , *Ramanujachario* from  Baman and Upper Caste Peoples  .  It was  in the  knowledge  of   George Paddison  that  Dr.Ambedkar is a  Genius  , Intelligent  , Scholar and hard working  . So he decided to include Dr.Ambedkar as a  third  member of the  L.W.Department  from the  Dalit Communities  . 

*M.C. Rajah*  was born on *17th June 1883* , in a village Chinna Thambi,  Tamil Nadu , in a Dalit family. He got his higher education from *Madras Christian College* , and worked as a Professor  in  Tamil Nadu  . He joined politics and became an active member of *Justice Party* .  He   became a  good friend of Dr.Ambedkar  and started  supporting  him  in  all  activities  .  He  was working for the uplift of the  Untouchables  in a very efficient manner  in Tamil  Nadu  . In those days  Dr.Ambedkar was very busy and he  could not spare time for the  L.W.Department  .  So  Dr.Ambedkar recommended the  name  *M.C. Rajah*  as a member of  L.W.Department    from  Dalit Communities  . And that was  accepted by the  George Paddison  . So M.C. Rajah  became the third member of the  L.W.Department  from Dalit Communities  .

The  L.W.Department   encouraged the education of the children belonging to the Dalit Communities  . But the  attendance of the Students belonging to Dalit Communities was very poor in the  Schools  . At that time M.C.Rajah  put pressure on the L.W.Department to start  *M.D.M.S.*  for the children of Dalit Communities  on the pattern of France Govt  . Later on the L.W.Department agreed to introduce  *Breakfast  Scheme* as a  trial on *11th  February  1920* in one School  of Madras  . Then the L.W.Department  monitored  the  working of the Scheme  minutely  .  And after the satisfaction working of the Scheme  , it was extended into  four more Schools  in Madras  . 

Later on with the guidelines of Dr.Ambedkar  , the member M.C. Rajah   started demanding the  *M.D.M.S.*  on war-footing  to all  the  Schools  run by  the  British Govt  in Madras  . Because due to poverty the   Dalit Communities could not afford higher education  and  *M.D.M.S.*  was one of the hurdles  to the Children belonging to Dalit Communities  . Then the case was referred to the Finance Department of  Madras  for their consideration and approval  .  But the Finance Department  did not recommended the  *M.D.M.S.*  for adoption because it cited  huge  expenses  . 

Then Dr.Ambedkar had to intervene in the matter  . He contacted the various  officials of British Govt and  explained the  benefits of the  *M.D.M.S.*.  Then after a long fight the British Govt  agreed to start that  Scheme on *26th February 1923* on trial basis  in two districts of Madras,bnamely  Tanjore and East Godavari . 

So we can say that Dr.Ambedkar and  M.C.Rajah  were the   *pioneer* of the  *M.D.M.S.* in  India. Here  pioneer means a person  who is one of the first to develop an area of  humanity. 

Later on *K.Kamaraj* the Chief Minister Of Madras, introduced the  *M.D.M.S.* in full-fledged  form  on *17th July 1956*  in Madras State.  Later on the  Supreme Court Of India  , on *28th November 2001*  asked all the  States  to begin this  program in their  Schools   on priority  . The program has shown many positive effects. Many parents who could not send their  children to School  due to poverty were eager to get their children  free  nutritious  food  and education  . So it all the  foresight  of  Dr.Ambedkar. 

So Dr.Ambedkar played a significant role in the concept of  *M.D.M.S.* , particularly in the context of Dalit Communities.  He believed that  education was  crucial for the upliftment of the Dalit Communities.  He advocated  for  *free and compulsory education* which included  provisions of  free food to ensure students  nutritional  needs  were met  . Dr.Ambedkar recognized that  nutrition was essential for  cognitive   development  and  empowerment  . Here  Cognitive means  learning  something  new  . He believed that  *M.D.M.S.*  could help  break the cycle of poverty  and inequality  . So by advocating  for  *M.D.M.S.* , Dr.Ambedkar aimed to promote  social equality  .

*Jai Bhim* 

*Bhim Rao Ambedkar Amar Rahe* 

*Jab Tak Suraj Chand Rahega Bhim Rao Ambedkar Amar Rahega*


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